Metro Kingdom Builders: Richard Huang

‘Metro Kingdom Builders’ is a series highlighting the partners and people that make up, and serve, at Metro Community Church. This week’s Kingdom Builder is Richard Huang!


When did you start attending Metro? Why?
I was converted because Jesus showed up in my office on a Wednesday. Metro was the only Church I knew of, so I started attending Metro that following Sunday.

What stood out to you about Metro, or what do you like about Metro?
To be honest, I thought Metro looked crazy as a 30-year-old atheist, unwillingly turned Christian. I remember, on my first day, one of my future-friends was two rows behind me, sobbing in worship. That scared me, haha!

What ministries are you involved with? What about those ministries made you want to serve?
I serve primarily on the Worship Team, Wednesday at the Well, and the JAC Nursing Home. I joined the Worship Team because Pastor Peter asked me to help with the guitar (I was awful btw). I never imagined I would encounter the Spirit, learn to sing/play, and now lead. God is amazing.

I love JAC because I believe it is the true "core" of worship. Sunday worship is exciting, but I sense God in the very ordinary and quiet corners of our service. I don't believe God would have grown me in praise & worship without JAC.

What do you do outside of Metro? (your job, your hobbies, whatever you want to share)
I am an attorney, husband, and father. I read a lot of material from the ancient and medieval church - which has really helped me navigate struggles in ministry and spirituality.

What does transformation mean to you? Have you seen or experienced transformation through Metro?
An ancient quote says a saint is someone who has been fully healed by God. To me, transformation is being healed - from delusions, addictions to sin, selfishness, unforgiveness, discord, apathy, isolation from one another and from God, etc.

I've had powerful healing experiences at Metro. I've shared some on Sunday leading, which is always a little terrifying.

What is one thing you want people to know about you?
I want people to know that I struggle just like everyone else. I have made so many mistakes in life and in ministry. This is where I try to engage people in worship, because as Pastor Peter said before, "Our weaknesses bind us together."

What brings you the most joy?
My favorite moments ever are when the Congregation is singing their hearts out to God, and worship leading becomes totally redundant and unnecessary. I try not to cry on the altar, haha!

Anything else you want to share?
The real hero in my life is my wife Kate, who sacrifices each time I go out to do another ministry endeavor. It's not easy to take care of a super energetic toddler alone while pregnant! Her sacrifices are so invisible. Every time you see me up there or serving anywhere, Kate has already put in hours of sacrifice, and serves with me still in this secret way. Please pray for her!