What Does The Bible Really Say?


Studies show that Christians are reading the Bible less and less. Only 10% of Christians in the US read their Bibles several times a week.

When we stray from reading the Bible, we find “truth” from other places that can be dangerous to every area of our lives. The Bible is God’s primary way of communicating with us. It is the highest priority in our understanding of truth and we need to not only learn from it, but more importantly, submit to its authority. If we do not do this, then we end up creating God in our own image.

Join us for this series as we ask the question: “What does the Bible really say about…” hot-topics, such as sex, war, gender roles, abortion, sexual orientation, mental health, and many more. Our hope is that we will learn the truths of the Bible and allow that to reflect in how we live our life daily.