A Real Basket Case: Christmas Caring Baskets

Christmas Eve Eve this year was abuzz with activity when 20 people representing the Metro Women’s, Men’s, and Singles Ministries, gathered at the Metro Office to assemble several weeks’ worth of donated food and sundry items.

On Christmas Eve Sunday, these Care Baskets were lovingly distributed to multiple Metro families and to others within the Englewood community who are sick, shut in, or struggling in some way. 

Under the selfless and contagious servant leadership of Deborah Moore, we made quick and easy work organizing and assembling the various canned goods, starches, cereals, fruits, grains, etc. The goal was to try and assemble a Christmas meal for the recipients. 

We had initially thought that we would assemble 10 baskets. However, when all was said and done, we assembled more than 35 baskets! What a surprise, and what a blessing!

Sincere and heartfelt thanks to all of you Metro-ites who donated food and other staples, to those who came to help assemble the baskets, and to those who helped distribute them. And thank you, Jesus, for the opportunity to show love and care to others and give you the glory!

We’re looking forward to another opportunity to prepare and share care baskets again – possibly around Easter. Be on the lookout for opportunities to contribute and join us!

Submitted by Wesley Nam
