Teacher Testimonies: MetroKids

Every Sunday, MetroKids ministers to a group of children in grades Pre-K to Grade 3. We average about 40-50 children each service and have over 30 small group leaders who commit to serve an entire school year (10 months). We know it’s a big ask, but we also know there are even bigger rewards and blessings.

Sometimes the commitment scares people away from serving in our ministry, so we decided to ask our teachers what compels them to keep on serving. Some of our teachers have returned for several years and one of our teachers has served for the past 10 years!

Here are some of their own testimonies:

“I am compelled to keep serving at Metro to teach the children God’s Word and to help the children grow in faith. I am also driven to form relationships with the children through interaction and activities.”

“Watching the kids learn more about God and the stories in the Bible really is amazing. Also, the relationship you build with these kids is also great. I want to be able to see these kids grow and prosper!”

“As they grow up, I pray they will remember the simplest Bible stories to help them through the toughest times and to grow closer to Christ.”

“I want to bless the present and future generations at Metro, and I still do. But as I began to teach and spend time with our kiddos, God began to teach me how important ‘child-likeness’ is in my walk with Jesus. So, every Sunday, I'm learning about child-like faith - simple, loving, trustful, and obedient attitude.”

“The kids adore the teachers - they shower us with love and affection, and then they’re returned to their parents. Why wouldn’t I serve?”

“Teaching children the basic truths about God keeps your life in check and gives you a simple perspective. Knowing you helped a child get to know the Lord is priceless!”

Has God given you a heart for His children? Do you identify with Jesus’s heart when he called the children to his side in the book of Matthew? If you do, then come by and visit us and see what we do every Sunday. We’ll be so excited and happy to have you even if it’s for one Sunday. For more questions, please email na.kong@emetro.org!

Submitted by Na Kong

Photos: KyungJun Han

Isaac NhoMetroKids