Metro Kingdom Builders: Christine Lee

‘Metro Kingdom Builders’ is a series highlighting the partners and people that make up, and serve, at Metro Community Church. This week’s Kingdom Builder is Christine Lee!


When did you start attending Metro and why?
I started attending Metro 15 years ago because my husband and I had just moved back from Portland, Oregon and wanted to be a part of this new, progressive church our friend Peter had started.

What stood out to you about Metro? What did you like about the church?
What stood out about Metro [at the time] was that church service was held at the old Fort Lee Athletic Club and not in a fancy building or an already-established church. It felt as though anyone off the street would be welcome. I loved that I saw people diverse in race, age, socioeconomics, and mental health.

What ministries are you involved with? What was it about those ministries that made you want to serve?
I am involved with the 4th and 5th grade ministry. I wanted to be involved with children the same age as my own kids. My kids are teenagers now but I have no plans to move out of the 4th and 5th grade ministry!

What do you do outside of Metro?
Outside of Metro, I am a special education teacher in a Bergen County Public School.

What does transformation mean to you? Have you seen or experienced transformation through Metro?
Transformation to me means change, changing everyday to be more like Jesus who was loving, empathetic, kind, forgiving. In order to experience change, the mind must be renewed as Paul talks about in Romans. Thoughts precede action and once thoughts/perspective change, behaviors and actions change. Metro is a great place to receive support and accountability with a solid staff, leaders, and loving members.

What is one Fun Fact about you?
I've lived in about 15 cities/towns including LA, Seoul, Seattle, Portland, NYC, Philadelphia, and now Paramus, NJ.

What brings you the most joy?
I find the most joy being outdoors, surrounded by nature and making people laugh.

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